A group of seven pennies sitting on top of a table.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  Except that’s not how I felt when I woke up and said that to myself this morning.

I didn’t feel happy. I felt discontent. I was turning 69 soon and felt old AND at the same time I had a large zit growing on my nose, so I felt ugly and old. My book isn’t selling at all and the people I had paid to help me with it didn’t seem to care. www.Libbiestellas.com or Amazon.com.

I took myself for a walk. When I don’t know what to do, I walk. I started to walk during the pandemic, and it stuck.

Walking often delivers a God Shot to me and today was no exception. I remembered reading about a man who wanted to cultivate gratitude, so he put 8 pennies in his left pocket and each time he had ANY moment of gratitude during the day, he noted it and moved one penny into his right pocket. It never took him even a half a day before the gratitude pennies were all in his right pocket.

On my Facebook feed today, there was a memory of the start of a year (I think it was 2016) that I posted a gratitude I had on January 1 and then I started to post one every day and I did it for a whole year.

This year that felt way too much – but maybe 8 pennies was doable. I tried in the past to list gratitude’s as I turned off the light but by the end of the day, I rarely remembered them.

So, I will do this today, and hopefully tomorrow and on and on. I have 6 already: a bird singing that I heard, the sun out when it is normally grey in Seattle, seeing my daughter and granddaughter on FaceTime, dear ones I love who I know love me and a few more.

Walking home from my walk I saw a small key on the sidewalk. It seemed to be for me – the God Shot. The key to whatever is going on is gratitude- gratitude and acceptance that life is as it is wherever my feet are at any moment. And this is my prayer: Please help me remember that the Impossible is Possible as long as I don’t believe the lie that it is all up to me. Happy New Year!

A key that is sitting on the wall.

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